Membership to the Society for Reproductive Biology is open to all scientists and clinicians with an interest in reproductive biology, and we especially welcome postgraduate students and postdoctoral scientists. Support the SRB and reap the benefits of membership in Australia and New Zealand's premier society for scientific research in reproductive biology.
Applications for new memberships and renewal of existing memberships are available online. Please click on the membership button above to complete a membership application online or renew a current membership.
Benefits of Becoming a SRB Member:
Access to the premier organisation representing the interests of reproductive scientists throughout Australasia
Invitation to attend the annual conference
Subsidised conference registration fees
Access to e-mail news
Subscription to the Newsletter published bi-annually
Eligibility for awards
Eligibility to nominate for committee positions
Reduced subscription fees to Journal of Reproduction, Fertility and Development
Membership in Science and Technology Australia (STA)
Eligibility for discounted affiliate membership with SSR
Additional Benefits for Student Members:
Eligibility for travel awards to attend the Annual Scientific Conference
Eligibility for awards
Eligibility to nominate for student representative committee position
SRB Membership Categories & Fees
Why not take advantage of the discounted rates for multi-year renewals!
regular membership
$150 - New SRB Membership
$130 - Renewal of SRB Membership
$350 - 3 Year SRB Membership
student membership
$60 - New Student SRB Membership
$45 - Renewal of Student Membership
$80 - Student 2 Year Membership
$120 - Student 3 Year Membership
overseas membership
$60 - Overseas Membership (excludes New Zealand)
retired membership
$40 - Age-retired Membership
$65 - Age-retired 3 Year Membership