A highlight of the SRB conference includes our prestigious awards that recognise your important contributions to reproductive biology. SRB in conjunction with our sponsors are delighted to be able to hold our awards in person at the SRB conference in Perth, Australia in 2025.
The award sessions for 2025 include The Robinson Research Institute Award for Excellence in Reproductive Biology (sponsored by the Robinson Research Institute), The Mercy Perinatal Mid-Career Medal for Women’s Health (sponsored by Mercy Perinatal), the Newcastle Reproduction Emerging Research Leader Award (sponsored by the Priority Research Centre in Reproductive Sciences at the University of Newcastle), the David Healy New Investigator Award (sponsored by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Monash University), the ANZPRA New Investigator Award (sponsored by the Australian and New Zealand Placental Research Association), ART Lab Solutions Gamete and Embryo Award (sponsored by ART Lab Solutions) the Male Contraceptive Initiative Award (sponsored by the Male Contraceptive Initiative) and the Centre for Reproductive Health, Hudson Institute of Medical Research award for best ECR and MCR posters (sponsored by the Hudson Institute of Medical Research).
You must ensure you have been an SRB member for 6 months prior to applying for awards. Honours students and PhD students in their first year are exempt and must be a member at the time of abstract submission.
The deadline for applications for the Robinson Research Institute Award for Excellence in Reproductive Biology, Mercy Perinatal Mid-Career Medal for Women’s Health and the Newcastle Reproduction Emerging Research Leader Award will be released in 2025. We encourage all eligible SRB members to apply.
Please note the following
Applicants can be an author on multiple abstracts but presenting author on only one.
Applicants can apply for all awards for which they are eligible. However, please note that each applicant will only be PLACED into one award session, such that if an applicant has SELECTED multiple award categories, the judging panel will decide the best category fit based on the content and overall ranking of the abstract. Therefore, if the applicant has a strong preference for a particular award, they are advised to select that category only.
On finalisation of the program, abstracts will be posted on the SRB website in PDF format. If you wish to withhold publication of your abstract, please indicate on the abstract submission
A PDF copy of the Conference Proceedings containing the abstracts will be made available to those who register to attend the conference (hard copies will not be distributed).
Applications are invited for the following awards. Applicants for student and post-doctoral awards will be judged initially on the basis of their submitted abstract. Applicants will be informed of the session in which they are to present when acceptances of abstracts are sent out. In order to apply, simply tick the box at the relevant question during abstract submission and complete the questions relating to the award on the online platform.
+ The Robinson Research Institute Award for Excellence in Reproductive Biology Research
To recognise an excellent contributor working in the field of Reproductive Biology who is a member of the SRB. This outstanding award is conferred to an established researcher and in the past has been won some of our most outstanding leaders in reproductive biology. This award is based on the candidate’s overall research career excellence. Recipients must be less than 15 years post-receipt of their Doctorate at 30th June 2025 and agree to attend and present at the 2025 SRB annual meeting if their application is successful. Time away from research will be taken into account within the time limit, based on career disruption recognised as per NHMRC guidelines.
Criteria: The successful applicant will have demonstrated a substantial and sustained contribution to research in the field of Reproductive Biology. Evidence of such contribution to be considered includes:
- Peer-Reviewed Publications
- National and International Awards
- National and International Invited Presentations
- Student Completions
- Grant Awards
- Commercial and/or clinical translation
- Institutional Responsibilities
- Service to profession
Award: $3000 cash prize announced at the Society for Reproductive Biology meeting, and on SRB website and in Annual Conference Proceedings
- Curriculum vitae of up to 3 pages and 1 page Executive Summary addressing selection criteria (sent by applicant to Committee Chair), Applications that are more than 4 pages in total will not be accepted.
- Two letters of reference (suggested maximum of 2 pages each; sent from referee directly to Selection Committee Chair).
- Winner will be invited to present their research at the SRB RCRH symposium at the 2024 SRB Annual Meeting
Send all documents by email to: A/Prof Fiona Brownfoot, University of Melbourne.
+ Mercy Perinatal Mid-Career Women’s Health Medal
To recognise an individual with an impressive body of work in the field of women’s health. This individual will have made a significant impact with their work in reproduction. This award is based on the candidate’s overall research career excellence. Recipients must be less than 15 years post-receipt of their Doctorate at 30th June 2025 and agree to attend and present at the 2025 SRB annual meeting if application is successful. Time away from research will be taken into account within the time limit, based on career disruption recognised as per NHMRC guidelines.
Criteria: The successful applicant will have demonstrated impact of their work in the field of reproduction. Evidence of such contribution to be considered includes:
- Impact of the work in reproduction
- Peer-Reviewed Publications
- National and International Awards
- National and International Invited Presentations
- Student Completions
- Grant Awards
- Institutional Responsibilities
- Service to profession
Award: $5000 cash prize and an invitation to present at the Australian Reproduction Update (flights and accommodation included) announced at the Society for Reproductive Biology meeting, and on SRB website and in Annual Conference Proceedings
- Curriculum vitae of up to 3 pages and 1 page Executive Summary addressing selection criteria (sent by applicant to Committee Chair), Applications that are more than 4 pages in total will not be accepted.
- Two letters of reference (suggested maximum of 2 pages each; sent from referee directly to Selection Committee Chair).
- Winner will be invited to present their research at the SRB Mercy Perinatal Women’s Medal symposium at the 2024 SRB Annual Meeting
Send all documents by email to: [A/Prof Fiona Brownfoot][1], University of Melbourne. [1]: mailto:srbawards@gmail.com
+ Newcastle Reproduction Emerging Research Leader Award
To recognise an emerging and excellent contributor working in the field of Reproductive Biology who is a member of the SRB. This highly contested award is conferred to an early career researcher, considering the applicant’s track record. The quality of this talk is always excellent and the distinction of this award is reflected by the outstanding careers of past winners. Recipients must be more than 2 years and up to 8 years post-receipt of their Doctorate at 30th June 2025 and must agree to attend and present at the 2025 SRB annual meeting in the Newcastle Reproduction Award Session. Time away from research will be taken into account, based on career disruption recognised as per NHMRC guidelines. Applicants must be an SRB member at the time of the award session.
Criteria: The successful applicant will have demonstrated a substantial contribution to research in the field of Reproductive Biology relative to opportunity. Evidence of such contribution to be considered includes:
- Peer-Reviewed Publications
- National and International Awards
- National and International Invited Presentations
- Student supervision
- Grant Awards
- Commercial and/or clinical translation
- Institutional Responsibilities
- Service to profession
Award: $1000 cash prize
- Curriculum vitae of up to 2 pages and 1 page Executive Summary addressing selection criteria (sent by applicant to Committee Chair). Applications that are more than 3 pages in total will not be accepted.
- Two letters of reference (suggested maximum of 2 pages each; sent from referee directly to Selection Committee Chair).
Send all documents by email to: A/Prof Fiona Brownfoot, University of Melbourne
+ David Healy New Investigator Award
This award is given to the best oral presentation at SRB by an Honours, MSc, MD or Ph.D. student, or an early career researcher within 2 years of receiving their PhD award on 31st of July 2025.
Sponsored by the Monash University Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and The Richie Centre in honour of the late Prof. David Healy, who was the Head of the Department and a great supporter of reproductive biology research for our young investigators.
All shortlisted applicants/presenters within the session (6 presenters) will receive $500 from Merck.
David Healy New Investigator Shortlisted Presenter Prize Sponsored by
Award: The winner will receive a $1000 cash prize and will travel to the UK up to the cost of $3000 to attend the 2026 SRF Annual Meeting.
Applicants must be an SRB member at the time of the award session. They must complete the 100 word statement decribing their career stage (i.e. degrees and date of award) and progress toward PhD or beyond and their supervisor's details during abstract submission.
+ ANZPRA New Investigator Award
This award is given to a presenting author who is a current ANZPRA member for the best oral by an Honours, MSc, MD or PhD. student or an early career researcher within 2 years of receiving their PhD award on 31st of July 2025. The applicants research for this award must be focused on placental biology.
Applicants must be current members of the Society for Reproductive Biology and ANZPRA. A short list of applicants will be selected from the submitted abstracts to present in the dedicated ANZPRA Emerging Investigator Award session.
Award: $500 cash prize
Applicants must be an SRB member at the time of the award session. They must complete the 100 word statement describing their career stage (i.e. degrees and date of award) and progress toward PhD or beyond and their supervisor’s details during abstract submission.
ANZPRA - Australian and New Zealand Placental Research Association Please see the ANZPRA website here
+ ART Lab Solutions Gametes and Embryo Award
This award is given to the best oral presentation at SRB by an Honours, MSc, MD or Ph.D. student (pre-award of MSc, MD or PhD on June 30th 2025) working on gametes (oocytes or sperm) or embryos.
Award: The winner will receive a $500 cash prize
Applicants must be an SRB member at the time of the award session. They must complete the 100 word statement describing their career stage (i.e. degrees and date of award) and progress toward PhD or beyond and their supervisor’s details during abstract submission.
+ Male Contraceptive Initiative Award
The Male Contraceptive Initiative (www.malecontraceptive.org) is a not for profit organisation whose mission is to provide research and advocacy support for the development of new methods of non-hormonal, reversible male birth control in order to empower men and couples with the resources they need to meaningfully and equitably contribute to family planning goals.
The Male Contraceptive Initiative award will be given to the best abstract on research that informs the development or uptake of male-based contraceptives.
Award: $500 cash prize announced at the Welcome of the Society for Reproductive Biology meeting.
Applicants must be an SRB member at the time of abstract submission. They must complete the 100 word statement describing their career stage (i.e. degrees and date of award). While judged relative-to-opportunity, it is anticipated that awardees will be within 15 years post-PhD.
+ Centre for Reproductive Health, Hudson Institute of Medical Research "Award for Excellence" for best ECR and MCR posters
Two awards are given to presenting authors who are SRB delegates for the best poster presentations in reproductive biology.
SRB early-career poster Award (students and postdocs up to 2 years on June 25)
SRB mid-career poster Award (from 2 years up to 10 years postdoc, on June 25)
Award: $500 cash prize announced at the Annual Dinner of the Society for Reproductive Biology meeting.
Applicants must be an SRB member at the time of the award session. They must complete the 100 word statement describing their career stage (i.e. degrees and date of award) and progress toward PhD or beyond and their supervisor’s details during abstract submission.
Click on the award name for more information
+ RFD-SRB publication of the year award
Did you publish an article in Reproduction, Fertility and Development over the last 18 months? Are you a current SRB member? If so, the SRB-RFD Publication of the Year award is for you! Winning this award will not only result in fame and glory when the award is announced later this year, but Reproduction, Fertility and Development will make your paper freely available online to increase its accessibility and improve your citation rates.
Please send your entries to Caitlin Wyrwoll - caitlin.wyrwoll@uwa.edu.au with the full paper reference and a brief paragraph outlining the major findings of the work, and how each author contributed to the paper (noting which authors are SRB members). Please see below for the full guidelines. The closing date is 2nd August 2025.
RFD-SRB Publication of the Year Guidelines:
- This prize shall be awarded to the best research publication by an SRB author in Reproduction, Fertility and Development each year.
- Papers with an SRB member as first or last author (or both) shall qualify.
- The author must have been an SRB member for at least 6 months at the time of nomination.
- The award in 2025 has no monetary value.
- To be entered into the award papers must be nominated by the authors themselves. Papers must be published online by the nomination deadline to qualify in a particular award year.
- For the 2024 award, papers published over the preceding 18 months (December 2023 – June 2025) shall be considered.
Click on the award name for more information
+ SRB Male Contraceptive Initiative Travel awards
There are 2 travel grants of $250 value to be awarded to researchers working on research that informs the development or uptake of male-based contraceptives. These grants can also be used on costs of conference registration.
To apply, please fill out the SRB Male Contraceptive Initiative Trave Award details during abstract submission.
Applicants must fulfil all of the following requirements:
- Must indicate that they are applying for the SRB Male Contraceptive Initiative Trave Award
- Must confirm that they are working on research that informs the development or uptake of male-based contraceptives
- Complete the 100 word statement describing their career stage (i.e. degrees and date of award)
Applicants must be an SRB member at the time of submission & applications received by no later than 2nd August 2025.
+ SRB Student Travel Grants
All students who will attend the conference in person and are financial members or who have applied to be members are eligible to apply for travel grants to attend the Annual Scientific Conference. For eligibility requirements see below. To apply, please fill out the SRB student travel grant tab during abstract submission.
Applicants must fulfill all of the following requirements:
- I am a full-time Postgraduate or Honours student.
- I am a financial member of the SRB or have submitted an application for membership since the 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Society and will become financial prior to the 2025 SRB meeting.
- I am the presenting author of an abstract submitted for the 2025 Annual Conference of the SRB.
- I am not qualified as a physician.
Value of Student Travel Awards:
- Australia (VIC, NSW) - $TBD
- Australia (WA, NT, TAS, QLD) - $TBD
- Australia (SA) - $TBD
- New Zealand (All) - $TBD
All recipients MUST have attended the conference in person.
You will be reimbursed at the conclusion of the conference via the registration portal.