Eileen McLaughlin
Eileen McLaughlin is currently Deputy Head of the Faculty of Science and IT and Laboratory Head at the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Newcastle. Eileen’s current research is concentrated in two main areas. In spermatogenesis, she is working on a number of key molecules which contribute to the control of the cell cycle and regulation of meiosis in the testes. In folliculogenesis, she has focussed on cell signalling pathways that contribute to the initiation of primordial follicle activation, effects of environmental ovotoxicants) and development of nonsurgical sterilant agents for domesticated animals. Her laboratory uses a combination of animal models, organ and cell culture to explore the molecular mechanisms underlying the growth and differentiation of germ cells. She is a member of the Priority Research Centre in Chemical Biology and Reproductive Science and has established several strong national and international contributions in UK, Europe and USA. Her most recent research on ovarian follicular development has led to her invitation to present in the Serono Symposia International Foundation conference on: "Reproductive ageing - a basic and clinical update" in Sicily in 2011. Similarly, her work on the Musashi family of RNA binding proteins and the cell cycle regulator APCcdh1 in meiosis in the testes has been recognised by invitations to present her work at the Cold Spring Harbor Germ Cell Meeting (USA), OzBio, Hunter Cell Biology and SRB meetings in 2011 and 2012.
PRC in Chemical Biology: http://www.newcastle.edu.au/research-centre/ccb/
Reproductive Science: http://www.newcastle.edu.au/research-centre/crs/