Laurie Piper — SRB

Laurie Piper

Laurie Piper was a research scientist specialising in genetics and animal breeding, with CSIRO Livestock Industries. He worked in the wool and beef industries for the past 41 years in the areas of wool production and quality, parasite resistance in sheep and reproduction in sheep and cattle.

He was the inaugural Director of the CRC for Premium Quality Wool, a Board member of the Queensland Sheep and Wool Institute, and of Merinotech Australia Pty Ltd. He served on the Council of the University of New England (2006-2010) and was a Board member of the Agribusiness Research Institute and of the University of New England Foundation.

He is the author of 73 refereed publications, 14 books/chapters/reviews and 140 conference papers. He is a Fellow of the Australian Society of Animal Production, the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics and of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering.